
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2017

Unit 2 Past Continuous and Past Simple with WHEN and WHILE

In this unit we have to study how to use Past Simple and Past continous with when and while. There we go! In this unit we weal deal with the use of the Past Simple and the Past continuous with when and while. We use these two verbal forms when we are talking about an action which was in progress (long action) and another action, (short action) interrumps it. EXAMPLE I was studying when my mum called me. As you can see, the action in progress (long action, it was happening at a specific time in the past) is that you were studying, and the short action which interrupted you is that your mother called you. USEFUL TIP We will OFTEN use while for the actions in progress (past continuous) and when for the short actions which interrupt the action in progress (past simple) - Recordeu que açò no passa sempre. Heu de vore quina acció interrompeix a l'altra o si ambdues passen a la mateixa vegada. WAYS TO EXPRESS AN ACTION INTERRUPTED BY ANOTHER ONE Podem expressar-ho de d...

Unit 2 Workbook Keys

Here you will find the keys so that you correct the exercises on your workbook. page 16 1. 1. Cotton 2. Glass 3. Leather 4. Metal 5. Paper 2. 1. metal 2. glass 3. cotton 4. paper 5. leather 3. 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c 4. 1. wood/silver 2. silver/gold 3. leather/wool 4. cardboard 5. ceramic 5. Aquí hi ha diferents possibilitats, us poso exemples. There is a chair. It's made of wood. There is a sofa. It's made of fabric There is a shirt. It's made of cotton. There is a TV. It's made of plastic. There are books. They are made of paper. page 17 1 1. eating 2. studying 3. stopping 4. coming 5. going 6. writing 2. 1. weren't 2. wasn't 3. were 4. was 5. were 3. 1. Were you having... 2. We weren't listening... 3. They were waiting... 4. Ian wasn't sleeping... 5. Was she wearing... 4. 1. were/sitting/yes, they were 2. were/talking/no, they weren't 3. was/arriving/yes, it was 4. wa...

Unit 2 Past Continuous

In this unit we have to study the Past Continuous tense. You will see it is easy peasy! When to use it? 1. For actions in a particular moment in the past. Quan parlem d'una acció al passat i especifiquem quan va ocòrrer.  2. Temporary situations. Per accions temporals que van tenir lloc al passat. 3. Two actions in progress. Accions que van tenir lloc al mateix temps de manera paral·lela al passat. 4. Background information in a story. Quan introduïm una història que anem a contar. How to build it? AFFIRMATIVE + We will follow this structure: SB + WAS/WERE + VERB+ING + COMPLEMENTS I   WAS PLAYING  BASKETBALL YESTERDAY MORNING NEGATIVE - SB +WASN'T/WEREN'T + VERB+ING + COMPLEMENTS I   WASN'T   PLAYING  BASKETBALL YESTERDAY MORNING INTERROGATIVE ? WAS/WERE + SB + VERB+ING  +  COMPLEMENTS WERE   YOU   PLAYING  BASKETBALL YESTERDAY MORNING? REMEMBER!  We use WAS for I, HE, SHE an...